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News: Finally, I managed to publish the new version of my website πŸŽ‰. Today is the 5th of February 2025.

Alert: 🚨 WTF is going on in the US?! Wake up US people, your democracy is being dismantled. πŸ“’ - At least some media are up to it. πŸ“°


pls share.

This is the 1’938’489’483th iteration of my personal website. Why it is like this, I don’t know. Well, maybe because I use this as a playground for experimentation and trying out new stuff.

My name is Cem. I’m a web dev, kinda, and sysadmin, maybe?

small false color colorized portray photo of myself

I’m 40+, yikes.

My pronouns are he/him.

Find me on

Last modified: 2025-02-15 13:51h

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